The Veil Of The Obvious
The Forty-Eight Manys, which are ONE.
Or Many Words, One Truth
From the forthcoming book “From Ecstasy To Lunch”
By Samuel Ben-Or Avital
We live in a time of rapid change, when evolution of thought and consciousness is proceeding by leaps and bounds. There are many avenues open to us, so many voices competing for our attention that we are sometimes overcome by confusion.
To meet and transcend this confusion, we must increase our awareness. To eliminate confusion and to transmit and radiate the simple, beautiful messages of the heart’s flame of truth is what the artist in us considers as his chief work, not only for his own benefit, but also for the benefit and well-being of others.
We respond with laughter and sometimes tears. The higher emotions of being one with the Cosmic lifts us beyond the cares of daily life to an experience of oneness with ourselves and the eternal life that is vibrating in us at all times.
Source of Imagination
When the artist taps this source of imagination by proper attunement and mastery of the art of visualization, he gives us a glimpse of something precious and essential. When we have a close look at the essence of another, we experience our own essence, for this same essence resides in different places. There is no separation, no division. There is only the reflection in the mirror of the One being.
These special moments lead our attention to the obvious and natural law of the One in the many, the many in the One. Once this law is understood and lived and maintained constantly in the situations we face, we enter a world of peace; we become calm in the midst of turbulence. We finally begin to understand the adage of the sage, which urges us: “To be in the world but not of it.”
The obviousness of this law is actually the “veil,” and we need only increase our attention to see through to the depths, to unveil and reveal the truth of the one in the many. This obviousness comes from the hypnotic spell of the material world in its extreme. We accept this hypnotic curse because of our laziness and unwillingness to think deeply with proper discrimination. It is actually easy to see through this illusion, which we have accepted at one time of another, either consciously or unconsciously. But until we do, this hypnotic reality is one with our thinking structure, and we sink into a slumbering attitude toward life.
We know from observation that the entire ocean cannot sink a ship unless the waters enter the ship. All the hypnotic vibrations of negative thinking cannot affect us unless we welcome them and allow them to enter our selves, unless we believe in their existence. It seems ridiculous to spend so much energy dwelling in those negative waters, letting our ship sink. The inner intelligence rather suggests we guide our ship in a positive direction, toward the manifestation of the same beautiful law of oneness in its perfect working order.
The Illusion of Separateness
The illusion of separateness and division are actually obstacles toward the One. We should divide only in order to unite. Harmonizing the opposites is the very work that will abolish this division, but in order to increase the necessary awareness, we have to recognize the oneness in the other as well as in ourselves. WE may theorize, but we must go immediately to the activity of the theory. Acknowledging, accepting, allowing, and welcoming this action of penetrating deeply into the obvious reality in nature leads us to a comprehension of the one reality, that which we call the state of harmonium.
The essential requirements to unveil the obvious are simplicity and the focalized attention of single-mindedness, which in turn sharpens our perception, thus opening wide the door to illumination so that we finally may see inwardly the invisible ways of the Cosmic at work. See the obviousness of it, reflect and see “How great are Thy works!” as the psalmist says.
Have you noticed how many words are written here in order to utter one simple truth?
Many petals, but only one rose.
Many letters, but only one word.
Many hairs, but only one head.
Many Days, but only one Saturday.
Take time and see for yourself how simple this beautiful law
is and activate it in your daily life.
You will thus, witness the oneness with the God of our Hearts
that is available to all living beings.
But, please see through the OBVIOUS and thy soul will rejoice
in THE CREATOR that makes us be ONE with The ESSENCE of Creation.
The Forth-Eight (48) Manys, Which Are One
Note: These words were designed as a Mandala wheel, in which the inner spokes contain the ONE and the outer spokes contain the Manys. (See the picture below)
1. Words Truth
2. Thoughts Mind
3. Volumes Knowledge
4. Letters Word
5. Hours Day
6. Minutes Hour
7. Chips Computer
8. Light bulbs Generator
9. Candles Light
10. Sparks Flame
11. Bodies Soul
12. Hairs Head
13. Fingers Hand
14. Breaths Life
15. Cells Organism
16. Movements Stillness
17. Spokes Wheel
18. Ties Track
19. Ways Highway
20. Routes Path
21. Cities Planet
22. Children Father
23. Babies Mother
24. Branches Tree
25. Petals Rose
26. Grains Seed
27. Colors Rainbow
28. Rays Sun
29. Rocks Mountain
30. Waters Ocean
31. Streams River
32. Details Whole
33. Diseases Cause
34. Ingredients Recipe
35. Containers Essence
36. Chambers Castle
37. Threads Carpet
38. Brushstrokes Painting
39. Lines Circle
40. Dots Line
41. Melodies Harmony
42. Notes Keyboard
43. Vibrations Sound
44. Sounds Silence
45. Religions God
46. Theories Reality
47. Interpretations Truth
48. Pages Book